A smattering of valuable and interesting posts from the blawgosphere and beyond
- “7 Job Seeker Questions You Didn’t See Coming,” Part I (from The Hiring Site) and Part II (from HRM Today). These questions are written to help hiring managers better respond to what might be new questions coming from applicants. Applicants, if you’re not asking these questions, you should be. Especially the last one.
- “How Giving Away Legal Advice and Information For Free Is the Best Business Model for Your Law Firm” from The Greatest American Lawyer. I’m a big proponent of the 'business model = free' strategy. This post articulates that position much better than I could ever have hoped to do. Read it and you’ll understand how you can give a lot away and still be successful.
- “Ads on Law Blogs? Are We Really That Desperate?” from Law Firm Blogger. This post, and the ongoing conversations in the comments, is a must-read for blogging lawyers and legal professionals as well as everyone else trying to understand how they can apply Web 2.0 technology to the legal profession. Did I say you need to read this post? I meant it.
- “Free Web Tools for the Way You Work” from Law.com Legal Technology. Not much explanation needed for this post, which lists 24 free web applications. You’re bound to discover one (or more) that will become indispensible.
- “Marketing Without Faking It - A Case Study” from Social Media Explorer. I like this story because it really drives home the power of Twitter. Not as a tool for hawking your product, but as a vehicle for connecting with your clients and potential clients as if they were your friends. Lawyers, do you think you can apply these lessons to your own Twitter strategy?