Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Blawg 100 Edition

The ABA Journal just published its third annual list of the top 100 legal blogs, the Blawg 100, and my lawyer interviews on Twitter blog, 22 Tweets, made the list. What a great honor to have my blog listed alongside blogs that teach, inform and inspire me almost every single day, blogs that I've followed for years, blogs that I've recommended here.

If you haven't visited Blawg 100, you should. Today. It's chock full o' good. I've listed some favorites below, but they're just appetizers. Go to the site. Read why these blogs were chosen. Explore the ones you don't already follow. Add them to your RSS feed. You be glad you did.

The bonus? You get to vote on your favorites. Of course I hope you'll vote for 22 Tweets (do that here). But more importantly I hope you'll use your votes to tell the blawgers who teach, inform and inspire you that they're doing a great job, that you value their perspective, and that they should keep up the good work.

Of Particular Note

22 Tweets Yeah, you knew it would be on my short list. Why? Because you can learn a lot from what these practicing lawyers have to say. I certainly do.

Above the Law If it happens in the world of law, it happens here first. Several new posts each day are enough to feed the habits of even the most hard-core law gossip junkies.

Adam Smith, Esq.. When I want to get smarter about the business of law firms, I read Bruce MacEwen's blog. You will too.

The Am Law Daily A perfect companion blog to Above the Law, the AmLaw Daily offers BigLaw news and analysis of the key issues facing the profession.

China Law Blog In my former life I was responsible for Asia BD and marketing at an AmLaw 10 global firm. This blog was a vital part of staying on top of the China market and legal environment. Now I read it because I like to, not because I have to.

The Client Revolution I said it before and will say it again: Jay Shepherd envisions a world where the focus is on the value, not the cost, of legal services. You’ll find his blog insightful, inspiring, and a worthy addition to your daily read.

Empirical Legal Studies When these law professors study the business and practice of law, they bring a perspective to “how-it-works-best” that no practicing lawyer can provide.

Law21 I’ve recommended Law21 posts here more times that I can remember. For a reason. Jordan Furlong always provides great insight into the core issues facing the profession today, the ones that will define it in the future.

Legal Ease Blog Allison Shields’ blog is full of practical advice for lawyers and legal professionals about the ways they can be more productive and profitable.

Simple Justice Day in and day out (and often several times a day), Scott Greenfield posts about justice and injustice. Sometimes controversial, sometimes curmudgeonly, his posts are always interesting and valuable.

Honorees Featured in 22 Tweets

Kelly Phillips Erb, for TaxGirl

Leanna Hamill, for Massachusetts Estate Planning and Elder Law

Bill Marler, for Marler Blog

David Harlow, for HealthBlawg

Dan Harris, for China Law Blog

Jay Shepherd, for The Client Revolution