Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New Year's Resolutions Are Hard to Maintain. So Just Pick One

It's that time of year again, when each of us turns an eye to things we could do in 2018 to make ourselves better: more successful, more efficient, more active, more relaxed, more approachable, more whatever it is we think we don't already do well enough. A useful exercise, to be sure, and the necessary first step down the road of improvement. 

But it's easy to get lost on the way from where you are to where you want to be, especially if you try to do too much (and too fast). Better to focus your limited bandwidth for improving yourself on a single item, one that you can sustain, one that you can turn into a new habit.

Don't try to fix everything this month, or even this year. Just fix one thing, and when you've done that, fix another. You'll be happier, and you'll be better. And while you're looking for things to improve, read these posts, full of good ideas on changes you can make to have a better 2018:

  1. Ten New Year’s Resolutions for Marketing (Margaret McCaffery, Slaw)
  2. 12 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Lawyers (Teresa Matich, Clio)
  3. Looking Back to Move Forward: Five Steps for Marketing Success in 2018 (Meg Charendoff, The Legal Intelligencer
  4. Top New Year’s Resolutions for Lawyers in 2018 (Kristin Johnson, Rocket Matter)
  5. 3 Tips to Kick off Your January with Gusto (Lindsay Griffiths, Zen and the Art of Legal Networking)

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